Shalom Grill was in the final scene of the first Avengers movie. Six Avengers are silent as a woman sweeps and a man behind the counter looks on. Imagine my surprise when I am looking into a client under a review attack and found suspicious 5-star reviews for Shalom Grill. I only found out who they were after I clicked on their website.

It appears that Shalom Grill has received some negative reviews over the past twelve months. Consumers are complaining about prices and the cleanliness of the restaurant. While it’s not always easy to lower pricing, it is easy to clean your restaurant and eliminate flies. Shalom Girll is attempting to bury legitimate negative reviews with an influx of positive reviews.
Shalom Grill has several reviewers that reviewed Absolute Plumbing & Boiler. We have Elmer Watkins, Mckearney Coleman, and Mcbratney Delma. A few reviewers left reviews for another Kosher restaurant Schnitzly like, Travis Ballard and Donna Ethridge. Several reviewers reviewed Shalom Grill and Shalom Pizza – The Best Kosher Pizza in Los Angeles. Some of those reviewers are Connie Wilkins, John A Hogan, Marsha Cottman, and Whitney Lemond.
If I were the Shalom Grill owner, I would listen to the feedback in the negative reviews and clean my restaurant before the next health inspection. Los Angeles requires restaurants to display their letter grades. The health department conducts surprise inspections, and if they show and see flies inside the store, they can close them down until the flies are gone.
No amount of fake reviews will keep a business in business, and Shalom Grill will close if they don’t make the needed corrections. Even the Avengers, or being in a blockbuster movie, won’t keep the doors open.