In June 2023, I was alerted that Natalie Nelson LMT offered gift bags in exchange for Google reviews. The first Google Business Profile (GBP) I reported was her Charleston Mobile Massage. It had 14 Google reviews on June 23rd, 2023. Google removed ten reviews connected to the review exchange. A few days later, Natalie lost all of her Google rankings. I reported her reviews again on November 18th, 2023. She went from 22 reviews down to five reviews. A week later, she lost her Google rankings again.
Here are rankings for Charleston Mobile Massage for the term mobile massage.

On July 8th, 2023, I reported her second GBP, Namaste with Natalie Massage Therapy. This business profile showed the address. The GBP went from 23 reviews down to six reviews. Her rankings never recovered. This GBP is no longer live on Google.

Here are the rankings for Namaste with Natalie Massage Therapy for mobile massage.

Google emails businesses when they remove reviews and tells them not to do it again. Imagine my surprise when I discovered Natalie was running another discount in exchange for reviews. I emailed Natalie today, November 28th, 2023, to advise her that I was reporting her. She emailed me back in all caps. Typing in all caps is shouting and is disrespectful. I calmly emailed her back and advised her to apologize. She decided to reply with more vulgarities. I told her I was going to name and shame her. People need to know what type of person Natalie is. Natalie decided to play the victim instead of fessing up. I hope it was worth it.
Update 12/3/2023

Natalie posted for help on the GBP Help forum. She admitted that I got 15 of her 21 reviews removed. She claimed I was stalking her two businesses and admitted that she had a post on Instagram offering a candle in exchange for reviews. A product expert advised her that because of the offer post, she could not get the reviews back. I assumed this would be the end of it. Nope, Natalie likes to play the victim and claims to be an innocent business owner. Imagine my surprise when you started posting and attacking me on Reddit. Her first comment was that I attacked her out of the blue. Natalie, a competitor, contacted me about your two review exchanges. I didn’t wake up and say what excellent business I can attack today. I set up ranking reports to test a theory that you would lose rankings when you dipped below ten Google reviews. I was correct, and you lost your rankings. I decided to share my findings because I had never tested this theory or had two test cases. Natalie then tried to claim I had two websites with different addresses and was not registered in California.

Natalie is not making any sense with her other comments. She claimed that by Google removing her reviews, I was damaging hundreds of businesses. Natalie, I have no clue what you are trying to say here. Natalie admitted that she was unaware that you were violating ther TOS. Natalie decided to act juvenile and started insulting. Here is Natalie becoming unhinged; I’ve bet you’ve never used your 2 puny hands to build anything real in your entire life. Obviously you hate women and have a porn/screen addition. Sorry you are hurting so much inside you need to hurt others, GO GET THERAPY.” Natalie confesses to violating the TOs, “Keyserholiday has been stalking me online because a woman who hates me is paying him to destroy me and my business. I had no idea giving gifts with a QR code to leave a review was wrong.” Natalie said, “That’s not what happened at all. I gave the gift regardless of if they left the review. All my reviews are real and you wripped them away because you are being paid by someone who hates me. You must have a lot of BTS haters… better watch out.” That threat was removed, but not before I screenshotted. Natalie, I don’t know who Tiffani is; I have never spoken or communicated with her. The person who alerted me to your review exchanges doesn’t hate you. You don’t know what you are talking about, and your facts are wrong.
I warned you to change your tune and apologize, but you told me to F off. I haven’t defamed you; you are slandering me and playing the victim. I am glad that you admitted to having the offer posted on Instagram. You confessed to the violation. You continue to make one stupid mistake after another. Your actions are being exposed for everyone to see.
Update 12/13/2023
I received a cease and desist letter from Natalie Nelson. She stated that she asked me several times to stop emailing her. I don’t have a single email asking me to stop emailing her. She also asked me to stop spreading her photo online and on my website. I don’t have any email regarding these claims. If any of these emails exist, I would love for Natalie to produce them. Natalie seems to have a difficult time with the truth. She tells me I have seven days from December 12th or face legal consequences. Go for it. You will have to pay for a lawyer, and when I win, you will have to pay my legal fees. I could also counter-sue for Natalie’s defaming on the Google Help Forum and Reddit.
The last email I received from Natalie is the following:

While I will treat the letter as a request to stop contacting her, I am not removing the post or the images. I am adding the cease and desist letter along with the above reply. Welcome to the Streisand Effect.